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Member Expectations

You are embarking on an experience that may prove to be for you, as it has for others before you, one of the highest forms of human relationships known to you outside your family. You have taken a step toward an association with others that will enable you to experience a fellowship through which the best in life is reached - the experience of entering into relationships with many kinds of people. You will learn to work with and live with all personalities. Your life will be broadened through the sharing of experiences with others and working with others for the same cause.

Preparation for active membership in Willard Sorority is more than a formal knowledge of Willard history, traditions, or other aspects of sorority life. It is an introduction to Willard life - living within a true sisterhood.

You have pledged your love, your efforts, your respect, and your loyalty to the ideals of our sorority. Whether it be personal integrity, intellectual scope, moral code, or the refinements of courteous social contacts, no standard is too high for Willard. You are expected to always give the best that is in you to Willard.

To you, a New Member, is entrusted the future of Willard... a sacred trust. Within these pages is the beginning of your formal knowledge of Willard. Within this house, within each Willard woman is the Willard Way. Your experience within the sorority will be limited only by your own power to give and grow. You will receive respect, love, loyalty, and friendship to the degree that you give these to your sisters.

Life as a New Member of Willard will include a broad scope of activities. All of these will be planned by the pledges (with the help of advisors) for the sole purpose of getting involved within the house. You have only begun to see Willard! You probably haven't even met half of the girls in the house, so you have yet a wonderful experience ahead of you. This is probably the most important part of pledge life - getting to know your Willard sisters. You will begin to communicate with and relate to the women who have interests quite different from your own. Then you will begin to develop relationships with them, learning from each individual. While learning about her characteristics, even her peculiarities, it is of utmost importance that you see her as she is and RESPECT her for it. 

This is one thing every Willard New Member is to strive for and learn: respect for each woman and her uniqueness. Willard prides itself on diversity and individuality, and that is what has kept us successful and strong for so many years.

You have come to Willard with certain expectations. You have been hearing all about sisterhood, unity, progress, independence, and respect for individuality. Willard offers all of these to each and every one of you. But you must realize that the night you receive your pledge pin, or even the night you are initiated as an active member of Willard, does not mean you will receive instant happiness. Sisterhood, unity, and closeness are things we all strive to reach. They don't come automatically on Day One; living and learning in Willard continues as you continue to grow.

As we give to you, we want you to contribute to Willard as well. There are many things that you, as New and Active Members, have to give. Every individual has her own ideas, and her thoughts and feelings are just as important as your own.

Always remember that you are an important person and mean a great deal to both your sisters and to Willard. Every woman is an individual, but it takes many individuals to make Willard strong. You are a Willard because you possess the qualities that we seek - qualities that have made our sorority a top sorority for over 120 years. You have the scholarship, service, sisterhood, character, and commitment that are important to Willard, and that is why we are proud to call you a Sister.

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