Willard Sorority Corporation
The Corporation Board consists of 13 member, plus two ex-officio members. Of the 13 members, four shall be Willard Corporation Board officers. The other 9 members are elected to serve for 3 years with their terms rotating so that 3 members retire each year.
Corporation Officers
Corporation President
Nora Bohling Hinrichs
Vice President
Amy Lohrberg Seiler
Paige Wergin
Judy Dunlap Eicher
Board Members
Makenzie Navatil Ernesti
Missy Davis Schmidt
Stephanie Morse
Becky Bowmaster
Kay Wenzl
Paige Wergin
Cindy Henry Boss
Alyson Kuehn
Karen Vogel
Ex-Officio Members
Alumnae President - Judy Bowmaster Krueger
Corporation Housing
The corporation shall promote the welfare and best interests of Willard Sorority, and secure, procure, maintain, own, or lease a suitable sorority house for the Willard Sorority.
The corporation owns and maintains the house and all of its contents. Our sources of income are the girls that are living in the house, those living out of the house who pay the building fund and dues, and our very generous alums. We use this money to cover the cost of maintaining the house, insurance, taxes, etc.
The Willard House is approved as University Housing. We are certified by Wesleyan and must comply with the requirements contained in the NWU Approval of Greek Chapters.
Every student must live on campus for three years or six semesters. Our seniors may live out of the house if it is full. It currently accommodates 44.
We are fortunate to have a wonderful housemother, Stacia Anderson.